Nokor Web

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Web Services

Website Training

Nokor-Web providing website design and development courses for students, organizations, companies, individuals,…, in Cambodia and abroad; based on WordPress open source websites in our website training course.

What we will teach:

  • HTML & HTML5
  • CSS & CSS3
  • Photoshop for Web
  • Javascript
  • PHP & Mysql
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Server Site
  • Website speed up & clean code
  • Website SEO services
  • Website Hosting & Domain
  • Working with real projects
  • Price: $250
  • Studying: 55 – 65 hours

Monday – Friday: 1 Month – 20 Days (Study 1 and a half hours per day)
Saturday – Sunday: 2 Month – 40 Days (Study 2 hours per day)

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